Art, Sand, and Sensory Therapy is designed to help individuals who may be facing difficulties processing all of their senses combined. This may also help address sensitivities through adaptive behaviors and responses. Art therapy can support the processing of unresolved trauma or conflict.
Art, Sand, and Sensory Therapy can help us absorb information from the world around us. This plays a huge role in day-to-day life. Therapeutic tools and measures can help improve symptoms of sensory dysfunction, learn adapted behaviors, and challenge fine motor skills.
Additionally, art therapy is a practice that utilizes a creative process or artistic techniques To support individual development, self-awareness and acceptance, discover emotions, and resolve conflict or trauma.
Many different types of people can benefit from this type of therapy, both children and adults.
Art/Sand/Sensory Therapy may be helpful when undergoing these type of circumstances and beyond:
Art/Sand/Sensory Therapy can encourage positive coping skills, foster self-expression, reduce stress from an overstimulated world and much more:
This type of therapy has many different applications and can help reduce stress and anxiety, but also has had great results with autism, social disruption, and attention disorders.
Certain sensory therapy techniques can help children boost their self-confidence, but also ease with behaviors that can be very difficult to youth with sensory challenges.
Some examples may include: